From the moment you walk through the doors, you can feel it. It’s fitness, but it’s different. We’re not here to uphold unrealistic body standards. We’re here to support you on the journey to achieving your personal vision of greatness.
But make no mistake about it. Fitness is therapy; it’s self-care and healthcare, and we take it damn seriously.
At Therapy, we believe fitness is the tonic that leads to transformation of body, mind and life. So if you’re committed to becoming more than you ever imagined, to pushing your body to new limits and shattering old beliefs in the process, then join us.
We’re changing the feeling of fitness.
Let’s f*****g go!
Our Therapists design meticulous playlists, each carefully curated to take you on a journey. But they’re more than just background music. They’re prescriptions for your soul.
Synced perfectly with the music and workout, our studio lighting caps off a totally immersive Therapy session. Experience 45 minutes of undivided focus on you, your goals and nothing else.
A finely-tuned human machine like yours needs quality fuel to optimise its function. We’ve created a range of smoothies that are as addictive as they are nutritious. Pre-order your favourite so it’s ready to go right after class.
Nothing beats the sweaty high of working out alongside others. But when life gets busy, you can still get your daily dose of Therapy. Our 'in-ear' workouts guide you as you walk, run and meditate whenever and wherever suits you.